Map of work crews for a well drilling company


We had to create a map with backend where manager could draw up a work plan for teams with a visual display of their movement.


We have created a web service consisting of two parts: a public map with a visual display of the movement of teams and an admin panel for company managers, available after authorization.

On the public map, each brigade has its own customizable color, route, and schedule. You need to click on the route point to open a detailed schedule for the brigade.

On the right, detailed information about the selected team

Each team includes the ability to create a route, where each element of the route contains:

  • Customer name
  • Customer phone number
  • Departure address
  • Depth (meters)
  • Comment


Brigade editing mode is available in the admin panel:

Available features:

  • Adding a new brigade
  • Editing an existing brigade
  • Deleting a brigade


For each brigade, you can assign your own individual color, which will be used for points and arrows on the map.

Color selection mode

Available features:

  1. Brigade editing is immediately displayed on the preview map on the right.

2. To change the order of addresses in the route, use the arrows, to delete and manually select a point on the map, there are own buttons

3. When entering the address, a hint will appear, select the address from the hint so that Yandex can more accurately correct the coordinates

4. Moving waypoints. To move a point to another brigade, click on the corresponding icon.

Select the required team from the list and click ‘Move’ button.

After that, the point will be removed from the current brigade and added to the end of the list of the selected brigade. In the tooltip, you can immediately go to editing.

Management of users – managers is carried out through the panel in Firebase.

In total:

We created and published a web service with a map on the client’s server. Fulfillment takes 10 working days.

We wrote a user manual for the manager how to use the tool.


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